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¡Vamos! Halfway Through: Semester Recap with ESN UAB
Erasmus students at Bunkers

Can you believe we've already powered through half of the semester? It's like we blinked, and suddenly we're waist-deep in churros and flamenco beats with ESN UAB! Let's kick back, relax, and relive the epic journey we've been on so far. 

So, February came swinging in and it was all about the Welcome Days. Imagine an entire month of festivities where "speedfriending" became the latest Olympic sport, and wandering through the maze of the old town became a must-do adventure. Oh, and let's not forget the epic stroll through the city, where we soaked in the vibrant displays of support for the LGBTI+ community, including the iconic mural 'El món neix en cada besada'.

But wait, it didn’t end there! We hit up Sitges Carnival like it was our job, embracing the chaos and glitter like true champions. And can we take a moment to appreciate our attempt to build human towers taller than the Sagrada Familia itself? Spoiler alert: we may have failed spectacularly, but hey, at least we looked cool doing it! 

And speaking of cool, let's talk about Calçotada, a classic Catalan feast where we chowed down on grilled calçots like there's no tomorrow! Seriously, who knew that onions could bring people together like that? It's like the Catalan version of the Hunger Games, but with more stained shirts and laughter. 

But it's not all about stuffing our faces and pretending to be architectural geniuses. We've also delved deep into the cultural riches of Barcelona with Sagrada Familia visits that left us feeling small in the best possible way, and museum adventures where we pretended to understand modern art while secretly wondering if the artist was just trolling us. 

And let's not forget our international lunch. A culinary journey around the world without ever leaving Barcelona! We proudly served a taste of home with our signature potato omelette and bonded over shared meals and lively conversations. 

Of course, ESN UAB would not be complete without a healthy dose of activism, which is why we proudly took to the streets on International Women's Day, raising our voices and advocating for equality with determination and conviction. 

But hey, it's not all serious business! We know how to let loose and have a good time too. From hitting up the hottest clubs to throwing legendary parties like the Pre-Ibiza Party, we know how to make memories that last a lifetime. Because let's face it, balance is key, and sometimes you just have to dance like nobody's watching! 

And now, as we say goodbye to Easter break and gear up for the second half of the semester, there's one thing on everyone's minds: Ibiza! Six days of sun, sand, and questionable life choices await us in the party paradise of the Mediterranean. Get ready to dance 'til dawn, make memories that will make your grandchildren blush, and maybe, just maybe, regret that last shot of tequila.  

So, buckle up and hold onto your sangria glasses because the adventure is far from over! With ESN Barcelona by our side, there's no telling what kind of wild fun awaits us in the weeks to come. Here's to surviving and thriving in style!